Untitled (when plath meets byron)

Every time I close my eyes the world
comes to a dead end. I am lost in the
darkness. Can you hear me? Perhaps
I imagined you inside my head.

She walks, a form of loveliness, akin to
moon at night. I can hear her desperate
plea. ‘Come save me’ Oh passion sways
despair. We reunite.

Fire and water. Such is their verse, and
though they seemed worlds apart, there
is a hint of common ground. Speculate,
what if they had met!


Photo credits:Β We Heart It

Process note: 1st stanza is (Sylvia Plath) 2nd stanza is (Lord Byron)
and third is (Moi)

Posted for Poems in April @ Real Toads

28 thoughts on “Untitled (when plath meets byron)

  1. Lovely interpretation of the prompt, Sanaa. Beautiful words and pleasing aesthetic. I also suspect hint of common ground between these two.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Khaya πŸ˜€ so glad you liked it ❀️

  2. We chose the same poets and how different our responses!! I love how you find romance pretty much everywhere, Sanaa!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Kim πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it ❀

  3. Rommy says:

    Could Poe be the moody lover to rekindle Plath’s faith in life, as well as her heart? You’ve made a good case for it. I hope it works out with those crazy kids.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Me too!❀ thank you so much, Rommy πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it❀

  4. There is a hint of common ground, indeed! And I completely agree with what Kim suggests: seeing romance (everywhere) is certainly a gift you have.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Magaly πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it ❀

  5. Kerry O'Connor says:

    Ah, yes, she walks in beauty like the night – I caught that allusion instantly. This has quite a dreamy and romantic tone. Two lost poetic souls: it would have been an interesting meeting.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Most definitely❀ thanks for stopping by, Kerry πŸ™‚

  6. angie says:

    well, they say opposites do attract. but two poets? wish them the best. thanks for your hopeful poem

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Angie πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it ❀

  7. Oh, this is wonderful. Opposites walk a different path, but oh the joy when they meet where life intersects.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Susie πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it❀

  8. gillena says:

    The poem twirls a beautiful romantic and comes rest with the intrigue of wonder. Nice take on the prompt Sanaa

    Happy you dropped in to read mine

    Much love…

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Gillena πŸ˜€ so glad you liked it ❀️

  9. Just Barry says:

    I love what you’ve done with this prompt.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Barry πŸ˜€ so glad you liked it ❀️

  10. Jim says:

    So very nice, Sanaa. Clever supposition. Plath and I were the same age.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Jim πŸ™‚ so good to see you ❀️

  11. Wonderfully realised, Sanaa. I knew which poets they were before reading your note. And indeed, what a coupling that would have been!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Aww!❀️ Thank you so much, Rosemary πŸ˜€ so glad you liked it!❀️

  12. De Jackson says:

    I love this, Sanaa. You did a great job with this prompt.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, De πŸ˜€ so glad you liked it ❀️

  13. Teresa says:

    You’ve taken the prompt and woven it into a beautiful poem!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Teresa πŸ˜€ so glad you liked it ❀️

  14. Sara McNulty says:

    What a meeting of minds and hearts. Wonderful thought, Sanaa.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Sara πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it ❀

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