
Gaze not upon with down(cast) eyes
Rather kick up your heels, come now
Swing! Lets dance away into the night!
Life’s a tad too terse for us to begrudge,
remember inside us there existsΒ light;
like scintillating stars we emit our own


Photo credits:Β

Posted for Quadrille 19 @ dVerse Pub


50 thoughts on “Scintillate

  1. Bjorn Rudberg says:

    I do love this… to scintillate in dance… that’s wonderful

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Bjorn πŸ˜€ so glad you liked it ❀️

  2. De Jackson says:

    I love the way this sounds:
    “Life’s a tad too terse”

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you kindly, De ❀️ so nice to see you πŸ˜€

    2. That’s my favorite, too, love the alliteration.

      1. Sanaa says:

        Thank you kindly, Sasha ❀️

  3. Thanks for offering hope & white light midst the droll, chaotic landscape of the season & our elections; like a breath od can air. I love the line /remember inside us there exists light/.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Glenn πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it. Good to see you ❀️

  4. Victoria says:

    Indeed, there is so much light, so many sparks within each of us. Let’s celebrate!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Definitely ❀️ thank you so much, Victoria πŸ˜€ good to see you ❀️

  5. Erbiage says:

    Beautiful. A validation forbidding mourning.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you kindly, Erbiage πŸ™‚

  6. Grace says:

    Love the ending line of spark Sanaa ~ Dance away ~

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Grace πŸ˜€ so glad you liked it ❀️

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you πŸ™‚

  7. kaykuala says:

    like scintillating stars
    we emit our own spark

    Everyone of us have that potential ‘sparks’ waiting to be released to astound the world.
    Just how to initiate them is the problem!


    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Hank πŸ™‚ for your kind and wise words ❀️

  8. Thotpurge says:

    inside us there exists light… nicely done Sanaa!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you kindly, Rajani ❀️

  9. Mish says:

    “Life’s a tad too terse for us to begrudge”….love this.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Michelle ❀️ good to see you πŸ˜€

  10. Maria says:

    Alluring piece, Sanaa~
    I love how you call us, readers, to swing into the night and ignite the spark kept hidden inside.

    Keep writing, gorgeous! ❀️

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much Maria ❀️ so glad you liked it πŸ˜€

  11. Sara McNulty says:

    Love the idea of emitting our own spark! Beautiful poem, Sanaa.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Sara πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it ❀️

  12. rosemawrites says:

    such an empowering piece, Sanaa!!

    Love this line a lot: “Life’s a tad too terse for us to begrudge”

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Rosemarie ❀️ so glad you liked it πŸ™‚

  13. Bryan Ens says:

    A lot of joy in this! Beautiful!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Bryan πŸ˜€ good to see you.

  14. Brian says:

    Happy claps for the inner spark. πŸ™‚

    1. Sanaa says:

      Indeed πŸ™‚ thanks for stopping by, Brian

  15. Love the “scintillating stars!”

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you kindly, Silver Gardenia πŸ™‚

  16. lynn says:

    This piece definitely sparkles with the joy of living!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Lynn ❀️ so nice to see you πŸ˜€

  17. Fabulous. Love that single word ending, and all the joy.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Sarah πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it ❀️

  18. Frank Hubeny says:

    Nice phrase: “Life’s a tad too terse”. Especially with all the alliteration on the “t” sound.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you kindly, Frank πŸ™‚ so glad you liked it.

  19. Truedessa says:

    I like the spark of energy in this, yes I would kick up my heels and dance the night away. Thought it’s been awhile πŸ™‚

    1. Sanaa says:

      Definitely ❀️ thanks for stopping by, Truedessa πŸ˜€

  20. SMiLes.. Sanaa..
    as a person kNoWn
    by A name of dancing
    legend in a metro area
    of doing that 6,000 miles
    noW in public.. three with
    over a thousand
    photos2 of smiling ear
    to ear women.. thirty something
    years my junior.. i can say for sure that
    Dance IS A spARk oF Love.. iTbRingS iNnocence
    of God within.. has no age.. no gender.. no eYes
    of doubt.. fear.. or hate.. no shame to see eYes
    of God iN each
    oTher as
    onLY lighT
    and i can also
    say the devil isn’t
    bragging as the Hunch
    back of Notre Dame first for
    66 months of shut-in existence..
    no different than ‘a guy selling meth’
    in his underwear with no drugs at all
    that will
    for pain..
    so all there
    then is.. is words for
    path to dance again…
    Dance is not just dance
    Dance is how God moveS iN
    US when FReED..
    sAMe SonG
    as poEtry
    WiTh no limits
    or expectations
    of rules mY FriEnd.. but
    lOve thaT FloWs iN ZonE WiThiN..
    aS SpiRit
    aS heARt
    DanCe and
    SonG iN BalanCinG
    miNd and BoDy souL..:)

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Katie ❀️

  21. I love the alliteration of “a tad too terse.” Let us dance, indeed!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Definitely ❀️ thank you kindly, Linda πŸ™‚

  22. You excel yourself! In both words and message.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Rosemary ❀️ so nice to see you πŸ˜€

  23. Old Egg says:

    Yes! The “tad too terse” was just the right alliteration to provide the spark in this poem. The scintillating spark is always in their eyes (well it is for me!).

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Robin ❀️ so glad you liked it πŸ™‚

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