Falling below; Quite resoundingly so, Epic snow Photo Credits: rebloggy.com Posted for Poems in April @ Real Toads
Bird’s Nest
Winter winds have come and gone, Empty nest awaiting the return. Under heat of the northern feathers; New birds settle at break of dawn. The innocent cries of the newly born; Seeking sweet crumbs filled with love, Having not learned actions nor words. Fly at once without fear of thorn…. Read more“Bird’s Nest”
Lo! To be foolish once again; How delightful would it be? To discard all thee muddles, Whilst roaming around free! To be young once again; Splash in the river stream. To travel back in time; Chase the impossible dream! To be clueless once again; Lose track of time. Disburse all… Read more“Foolishness”
A country house nearby; Its fence lined with roses. Its elegant front door, An invitation proposes. Whilst passing through the house; Hand in hand with Carrie. Upon asking the address, Looking coy and wary. Alas! Join thee hands, In the dew coming coldly. Thee turn to go up front, Knock… Read more“Roses”
The Hourglass
The time has come; For us to succumb. To own our ways; To earn due praise. Repeatedly time; Lingers to our side. Through affliction is; Our solitary guide. Woes and sorrows; Time thus heals. To Creator above; Makes us kneel. And so, when time; To the end climbs, Left behind… Read more“The Hourglass”
A Blackbird’s Song
The blackbird’s song thus convey. To leave your worries all at bay. The bird sings till the sun is down. In the thicket of trees far from town. A blackbird whistling upon an oak tree. Awakens old memories in me. As I walk among the fields in spring. I hear… Read more“A Blackbird’s Song”