Green Corn Moon ~ Part One: Amidst the ache and turmoil

The moon’s a prognosis of what’s to come;
and rising on the sprawling green of my cornfield heart,
why is it that the world insists upon dissecting what cannot be dissected?
I barely recognize the faces which once seemed familiar
and warm,
it’s uncanny
how perception of the world changes when circumstances go awry—
I prefer not to transgress, to go about and tackle situations as softly
as shoes
of a ballet dancer instead;
adorning and rejuvenating the only stage that matters.
The moon, in omens of tempest and calm doesn’t actually alter its shape;
not even when waning,
it’s knowledge
which comes only after we have spent a considerable amount of time
sustaining ourselves—
I am firelight, my consciousness immune to toxicity, to blackness
that surrounds and torments; I smile knowing it too is a form of rebellion.



Photo credits: Henrik Aa. Uldalen painting, Pinterest

A Skylover Wordlist: Uncanny, firelight, transgress, awry,
rebel, somnolent, prognosis, vagrant 💝

Posted for Weekly Scribblings @ Poets and Storytellers United

16 thoughts on “Green Corn Moon ~ Part One: Amidst the ache and turmoil

  1. How I love the idea that a smile too is a form of rebellion! And as always I love your language and imagery.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Rosemary 😀 so glad you enjoyed it 💄❤️

  2. gillena says:

    These lessons in being , luv the unchanging form of moon, and , light as perceptions of what is or isnot

    Happy Wednesday Sanaa

    Much 💝love

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Gillena 🙂 so glad you liked it 💄❤️

      Happy Wednesday to you too.
      Much love …

  3. A smile amidst ache and turmoil is a very welcome one, Sanaa, especially after lockdown, although many smiles will be hidden behind masks. I love the somnolent moon ‘rising on the sprawling green of my cornfield heart’ and a smile that is ‘a form of rebellion’.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Kim 😀 so glad the poem resonated with you 💄❤️

  4. Rommy says:

    Even the biggest rebellions start out small. May that smile be a spark to light the way to better things.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Definitely 😀 thanks for stopping by, Rommy 💄❤️

  5. Smiling is the BEST rebellion. Well told Sanaa!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Ron 😀 so glad you enjoyed it 💄❤️

  6. Old Egg says:

    Humanity has long forgotten that they are part of evolution as though they were not affected by change. Yet even now whilst still in one of the most serious calamities in years we are already planning to return to normal, rebellious fools (or blind) that we are!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Robin 🙂 so glad the poem resonated with you 💄❤️

  7. Margaret says:

    and rising on the sprawling green of my cornfield heart,”

    “tackle situations as softly
    as shoes of a ballet dancer …”

    and the comment about the moon not changing –

    … and a bit of a rebellious spirit is a good thing if it is battling something which needs to be changed…

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Margaret 😀 so glad you liked it 💄❤️

    1. Sanaa says:


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