Painting the lily black

Haunted by a deepening gloom the heart aches,
Brooding the birth and death of an austere sun.
And of earth’s perpetual truth that yearly wakes.

Painting the lily black I stare into adulterate eyes,
Mourn as all around the foliage withers and dies.
Bearing weight of disdain, unremembered skies.

Then hate me, as sprawling roots below the dirt
For I am the emptiness that resides in your cup.
Tell me can you sense the pain beyond the hurt?

Painting the lily black, with thoughts of the past
I chased solace, raged and cried out to the night
Wonder, who gives answers to questions asked?

Overhead, the moon rose upon nebulous lakes
Haunted by a deepening gloom the heart aches.


Photo credits: HD Wallpapers

Form: Terza Rima Sonnet

Posted for ‘Sunday Mini-Challenge’ @ Real Toads

and posted on the Poetry Pantry @ Poets United

& Posted on Monday Writes @ My Blog – Verses


56 thoughts on “Painting the lily black

  1. Magyar says:

    __ Truth; we all have our desire to float above any darkness, that we may invent. “Sunny,” deeply seen and well felt in your sonnet! _m

    blackness blooms
    within the third rhyme
    lighter ink

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Magyar ☺️ so glad you liked it ❤️

  2. wildchild47 says:

    Great and almost right on point to the form! How brave and ambitious of you Sanaa – but more to the point – wow! This IS really wonderful. The content – the subject/topic you’ve chosen works so well within the form, and yet, even without the form – this reads so beautifully. It’s elegant and graceful – and speaks with emotion. And those closing lines are just sumptuous! Wow – this is impressive. 🙂

    1. wildchild47 says:

      Sanaa: I forgot to mention that I’ve been fussing with this in my head, on paper, etc. and it really is so foreign to me, that nothing suits or is satisfying, so you pulling all together, really is brilliant 🌠

      1. Sanaa says:


  3. Amazing concepts and images; a powerful statement couched in beautiful language – as we have come to expect from you. (Yet each time you make it new.)

    1. Sanaa says:

      Awww gosh!❤️ Thank you so much, Rosemary 😀 so glad you liked it!❤️

  4. Kerry O'Connor says:

    Painting the lily black…

    Such a beautiful phrase, it is almost a poem in itself.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Aww gosh!❤️ Thank you so much, Kerry 😀 so glad you liked it!❤️

  5. Bjorn Rudberg says:

    I love the mood in this.. the pain and the end in reflection of moon…

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Bjorn 😀 so glad you enjoyed it ❤️

  6. I agree with Bjorn about the mood, Sanaa, and love the ‘oo’ sounds in the opening lines..But my favourite lines have to be:
    ‘Painting the lily black I stare into adulterate eyes,
    Mourn as all around the foliage withers and dies’.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Kim 😀 so good to see you ❤️

  7. Old Egg says:

    Your writing here Sanaa is suitably emotional for the affair that has been going on, where knowing that wrongs have been done committed there are still the defiant words “Hate me” probably knowing that they would do it again. On the other hand I may be reading too much into it but tried to put myself in the picture! Well knowing my writing you will guess that I loved it!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Robin 🙂 so good to see you ❤️

  8. Magical Mystical Teacher says:

    Yes, where are those answers to the questions we ask? Sometimes, it seems, they are in short supply.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Definitely 🙂 thanks for stopping by, MMT ❤️

  9. Mary says:

    Where do I start? This is one of your best– “emptiness that resides in your cup” — whew. So many amazing phrases in this amazing poem!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Mary 😀 so good to see you ❤️

  10. Marian says:

    Oh… Love this, Sanaa. The title is amazing and wow, “I am the emptiness that resides in your cup.” What a simple and profound expression.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Aww gosh!❤️ Thank you so much, Marian 😀 so glad you liked it!❤️

      (and thank you for the lovely prompt)

  11. Oh such a deep emotional ache is wrought in your words and images….love the line, ‘painting the lily black’….it does feel like that when a love is lost and betrayed.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Donna ☺️ so glad you liked it ❤️

  12. Rob says:

    Beautiful and deeply aching.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Rob ☺️ so good to see you ❤️

  13. Oh, this is beautiful, Sanaa……i especially am moved by your closing couplet.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Sherry ☺️ so glad you liked it ❤️

  14. Vivian Zems says:

    A throbbing , raging pain expressed so well here. This format suits your style so much!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Vivian ☺️ so glad you enjoyed it ❤️

  15. Brendan says:

    To paint a lily black would be criminal were it not also so lavishly true, in the eye of the heart. Well crafted, Sanaa, and the closing couplet is die for, which the afflicted speaker does.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Brendan ☺️ so glad you liked it ❤️

  16. Truedessa says:

    To paint the lily black, the heart does mourn – where are the answers one really does want to know. Beautifully executed poem.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Truedessa ☺️ so glad you liked it ❤️

  17. I am the emptiness that resides in your cup really got me. It’s easier to paint the lily black than to paint a black one white.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Definitely ☺️ thanks for stopping by, Colleen ❤️

  18. ZQ says:

    A Sonnet!! Great work.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, ZQ ☺️ so good to see you ❤️

  19. gillena says:

    “And of earth’s perpetual truth that yearly wakes”

    In such a haunting poem the above line is a pearl

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today Sanaa


    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Gillena ☺️ so glad you liked it ❤️

  20. Audrey says:

    You have mastered this form–beautiful write!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Audrey ☺️ so good to see you ❤️

  21. Debi says:

    “For I am the emptiness that resides in your cup.
    Tell me can you sense the pain beyond the hurt?”
    There is pain beyond the first felt hurt. You have really captured it.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Debi ☺️ so glad you liked it ❤️

  22. Wendy Bourke says:

    As awesome job with this challenging form.

    ‘Painting the lily black, with thoughts of the past
    I chased solace, raged and cried out to the night’

    Incredible words … indelible lines

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Wendy ☺️ so glad you enjoyed it ❤️

  23. Margaret says:

    I can’t help but think of the flip side – when love was a white lily and the sun and his eyes were a joy… the pain is palpable here … everything a heartbreak poem should be!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Margaret ☺️ so good to see you ❤️

  24. Jim says:

    Emotions control in times of sadness. I’m glad your writer has poetry to allow her to blow off some steam. She must be close to nature, know the lilies. I believe she is blackened with them, poor soul.
    This was easy reading but hard to take. I wanted to reach out with some help.

  25. Sue Anderson says:

    Just lovely, and good use of the form, too.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Sue ☺️ so glad you liked it ❤️

  26. Yes, “painting the lily black” is a powerful statement. It makes me think , even lilies mourn when life is more questions than answer. Beautiful

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Susie 😀 so glad you liked it ❤️

  27. gillena says:

    ‘Painting the lily black I stare into adulterate eyes,
    Mourn as all around the foliage withers and dies’.
    These are my favourite lines for although passion has thrown the persona in the depths of this affair there is the humanity of knowing pain not only of the players but those caught on the side lines.
    This is a really cleverly crafted poem. Thank you for sharing at Monday WRites today Sanaa.

    much love…

    1. Sanaa says:

      My pleasure, Gillena ❤️

      Much love…

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