A flower was offered to me with soulful, bounding leap;
while a desire for love unbridled had tied me to caprice.
Smitten so deep to core, I found not budding thorn; thus
flower arduous to hold bade silence recondite to keep.
Lo! flower bewitching had lured and heart had plunged too
deep beneath oh shade of willow, I heard it scorn and weep.
We learn from heavens soft that reside somewhere above;
While searching for love eternal be wary if raven or dove.
Fragile secrets seep from flower;
Beauty blighted within an hour.
Photo credits: fineartamerica.com
“be wary if raven or dove.” Nice!
As you show, flowers have their secrets that take time to unfold.
Hello Susan,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
Beautiful lines…
“Fragile secrets seep from flower;”— Memory and smell are intertwined; smells really do evoke emotional memories. …
Great piece, Sanaa! Just love love this…
Hello Panchali,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
“Be wary if raven or dove” – such wise advice. I LOVE your beautiful closing couplet. Beautifully done.
Hello Sherry,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
Ah, I am sure flowers have MANY secrets! And not all of them pleasant ones. Smiles!
Hello Mary,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
“Fragile secrets seep from flower;
Beauty blighted within an hour.”
Just loved these lines! Beautifully done, Sanaa… <3 🙂
Hello Maniparna,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
Beautifully done Sanaa. A lovely poem with wise advice, “Be wary if raven or dove”.
Hello Myrna,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
Those last two lines make a tangle of my heartstrings. *sigh*
Hello Magaly,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
Flowers are traps that lure of course and we both use and are are lured by them. So if I am struck by a pretty face I will so easily be lured into her trap too…fool that I am ! I think I would trust a Raven more than a Dove. Beautifully done Sanaa.
Hello Old Egg,
Thanks for stopping by, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, have a great week ahead
I am puzzled over the form of this…if indeed it is one 🙂 Raven or dove …that is the question 🙂
Hello Rall,
Thanks for stopping by, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, have a great week ahead
Sanaa–there is a wonderful tender quality to this writing–such an elegant voice you use in this piece and it works so well on so many levels–Brava
Hello Audrey,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
fragile secrets… like that.
Hello Thotpurge,
Thanks for stopping by, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, have a great week ahead
I love the progression; the mystery.
Hello Luk Lei,
Thanks for stopping by, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, have a great week ahead
Oh Sanaa, the poem is beauty itself specially the closing couplets and wise too…
Hello Sumana,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
Hello Sreeja,
Thanks for stopping by, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, have a great week ahead
Alas, some flowers are not made to last!
I enjoy your enjoyment of lush language.
Hello Rosemary,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
I really like this.
It’s terrifying when someone gets through and plunges too deep. It can make us behave in bizarre, unpredictable ways.
Hello Cayn,
Thanks for stopping by, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, have a great week ahead
Bewitching Sanaa – you seemed really lost in this and in turn produced an entrancing poem for us all to delight in 🙂
Hello Jae Rose,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
Fragile secrets of a flower has so much to tell and teach us.
Hello Geetashree,
Thanks for stopping by, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, have a great week ahead
Smitten so deep to core, I found not budding thorn – such profound words. Love blinds us to faults.
Hello Suzy,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
Flowers inspire us to write poetry don’t they? A lovely verse with an old fashioned feel.
Sorry I am so late to reply Sunny one 🙂
Hello Leslie,
Thank you so much, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, lots of love 😀
The last two lines are wonderful! Good write, Sanaa.
Hello Nicholas,
Thanks for stopping by, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, have a great week ahead
Beautiful in its elegance. It has the quality of ancient poetry, with a lovely couplet ending.
Hello Sara,
Thanks for stopping by, so glad you liked it 🙂
Highly appreciated, have a great week ahead.