Leaning atop the graceful balustrade

One cube of sugar and a mug full of likelihood as the sun upon
the horizon sets; why is it that we taste every detail of ongoing
life twice? Everything has meaning, even silence that glows in
the pupils of those who have understood;  I am slightly hesitant
owing to the direction of the wind, its sting outweighs buoyancy
dark amber; rejection is all but unimaginable, we seldom think
of it.

Being humble is just that, being humble.  It’s neither a weapon
nor a strategy nor a mask, only a virtue.  I reminisce about the
days when I was younger and everything seemed hypnagogic,
rosy. Could it be that we never truly change but merely learn to
outmanoeuvre it all? The sparkle in my matured hazel flows in

And though, sometimes the great bones of my life feel so heavy;
I keep going.




Photo credits: Pinterest

Linda hosts at dVerse and asks to write inspired by a line from “Spring azures,” from the book ‘Wild Geese,’ by Mary Oliver. 💝

Posted for Prosery Monday: Bone Weary @ dVerse Poets Pub

48 thoughts on “Leaning atop the graceful balustrade

  1. Lillian says:

    Ahhhh Sanaa….you never disappoint. Romanticist supreme.
    I especially love these lines:
    “Could it be that we never truly change but merely learn to
    outmanoeuvre it all? The sparkle in my matured hazel flows in
    And though, sometimes the great bones of my life feel so heavy;
    I keep going.”
    What a wonderful question to ponder upon. Happy Monday, my friend.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, my dearest Lillian 😀 so glad you enjoyed it 💄❤️

      Happy Monday to you too!

    2. Tzvi Fievel says:

      poignant. like a brief poetic memoir entry.

      1. Sanaa says:


  2. This is positively lovely Sanaa. You have such a unique style with your words. Beautiful- oh to have those days when we always wore rose colored glasses!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Linda 😀 so glad the prose resonated with you 💄❤️

      (and thank you for the glorious prompt) 🌹

  3. msjadeli says:

    Good point on experiencing life twice, the living and the interpreting.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Lisa 😀 so good to see you 💄❤️

  4. It’s only worriers that ’taste every detail of ongoing life twice’, people like me who analyse everything and agonise about what could have been done better. I too reminisce about the days when I was younger and everything seemed rosy – but that’s because of the rose-coloured spectacles I picked up along the way. And so we keep going…

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Kim 🙂 so glad you liked it 💄❤️

  5. Bjorn Rudberg says:

    I do remember that seemed rosy when young, but I also remember it could be terribly dark sometimes… maybe the colors dull to grey as we age… and we just keep walking through the fog.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Bjorn 😀 so glad the prose resonated with you 💄❤️

  6. Ingrid says:

    There is a wistful world-weariness about this piece:
    ‘Could it be that we never truly change but merely learn to
    outmanoeuvre it all?’ is an intriguing question.
    I love the resolve at the end to keep going in spite of it all.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Ingrid 😀 so glad you enjoyed it 💄❤️

  7. Such a thoughtful piece, Saana. I agree you do have such a unique style. I like the combination of sparkle and weariness–to me, it’s like a bit of hope in perhaps seeing things in a new way. Or learning to maneuver. 😀

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Merril 😀 so glad you liked it 💄❤️

  8. rog leach says:

    sparkle fatigue is what life is all about even withe the rose tint turned up full. great piece.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Definitely 🙂 thanks for stopping by, Rog 💄❤️

  9. I love any poem with “hypnagogic” in it, a state I often achieve coming slowly out of a dream. Your analysis of a “life” is rife with truth. If you think Zen, we have a “life review” in Bardo, as prep for our next incarnation. So, we live it three times.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Glenn 😀 so glad you enjoyed it 💄❤️

  10. A compelling write, Sanaa, ending on a hopeful note. Well done!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Beverly 😀 so good to see you 💄❤️

  11. Yes, very positively persistent, Sanaa. Well done

    1. Sanaa says:


  12. Gillena Cox says:

    Ah yes that phase of rose tinted glasses, dont we all remember those days
    Happy Monday


    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Gillena 😀 so glad the prose resonated with you 💄❤️

      Happy Monday


  13. Lovely writing, Sanaa. I especially like the part about tasting life twice and learning to outmanuever. Brava!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Susan 😀 so glad you enjoyed it 💄❤️

  14. Mary Hood says:

    So much in this. It feels like me today, I still keep going. I love “humble is just a virture”. Oh, if we could only stay there for more than a while at a time!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Mary 😀 so glad you liked it 💄❤️

  15. Very nice work Sanaa! Love the picture! I really liked this thought provoking question:
    Could it be that we never truly change but merely learn to
    outmanoeuvre it all?

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Dwight 😀 so glad the prose resonated with you 💄❤️

  16. rob kistner says:

    Too depressed to read and comment today, just saying hello – be back when I am repackaged.

    1. Sanaa says:

      😮 Feel better soon, Rob.

  17. Dora says:

    There are times in life when you feel like momentum keeps you going, and when you pause, well, the tears flow, as expectations disappoint. I loved this heartfelt meditation on time and its passage. So beautifully written, Sanaa.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Dora 😀 so glad you enjoyed it 💄❤️

  18. Kerfe says:

    Our perspective alters with the years. The weight of them can make us pause, but it also gives us strength.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Definitely 🙂 thanks for stopping by, Kerfe 💄❤️

  19. rob kistner says:

    I love this piece Sanaa, so beautiful — especially… “Being humble is just that, being humble. It’s neither a weapon nor a strategy nor a mask, only a virtue.” Wonderful writing!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Rob 🙂 so glad you liked it 💄❤️

  20. “Could it be that we never truly change but merely learn to
    outmanoeuvre it all?” Stellar question!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Deborah 😀 so good to see you 💄❤️

  21. Helen Dehner says:

    You have posited a question difficult to answer … wonderful prosery.

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Helen 😀 so glad the prose resonated with you 💄❤️

  22. This is so very lovely!

    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, Dale 😀 so glad you enjoyed it 💄❤️

  23. So poignant. So, so…

    This was just wonderful.


    1. Sanaa says:

      Thank you so much, David 😀 so glad you liked it 💄❤️

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