Why does the sky blush so much?
Why? Because he is a cinnamon peeler unrivaled?
Because of this?
To be specific,
the fragrance of freshly washed alone is enough
to sway the senses;
outside, pigeons are the first to comprehend.
Subsequently, an umbrella of hues
upon fall of society
spout, nonetheless, remember courage
blossoms from within.
I am sometimes loud as percussion;
as a result,
I curse strawberries when the clouds are in sight!
Last of all, I was never fond of sleep.
Glass-like stillness reverberating,
the kind that takes over
in a second during the clarity of empty hours—
just as important.
They go unnoticed by so many.





Photo credits: Pinterest.

Laura hosts at dVerse and invites us to compose a found poem using
the first lines
of our own poetry from the first poem of each month
posted in 2022. Come join us! 💘

List of Poems in respective order of their composition:

Beautifully Bound – January 4, 2022
If Breath is First – February 3, 2022
The Cure for a restless heart is Laundry – March 1, 2022
On Courage: A Comment on the ebb and flow within
-April 5, 2022
Soliloquy – How to eat a Strawberry – May 10, 2022
Summer with feigned sympathy for the feeling – June 2, 2022
Won’t you celebrate with me? July 11, 2022
Untitled (August soft and loud and ruling) August 2, 2022
On the rooftop unbroken by city, wheel and unripe hope
-September 15, 2022
A Scarlet Pause exists between Cirrus Clouds and City
-October 4, 2022
Cocktails with Morpheus – November 8, 2022
Closing Chord – December 1, 2022

List of lines taken from the poems in respective order:

Why does the sky blush so much?
I am sometimes loud as percussion.
The fragrance of freshly washed alone is enough
to sway the senses.
Remember; courage blossoms from within.
I curse strawberries when the clouds are in sight.
They go unnoticed by so many.
The clarity of empty hours.
Glass-like stillness reverberating, the kind that
takes over in a second.
Pigeons are the first to comprehend.
An umbrella of hues upon fall of society spout.
I was never fond of sleep.
He is a cinnamon peeler; unrivaled.

Posted for MTB: Finding it First @dVerse Poets Pub