To her, death is quite romantic. Almost soothing, as though sound of a lark singing, she listens closely, her petite frame encased in water that shimmers and glows. The events of her life flashing by as she floats away. Ophelia, lovelier than the sun itself, laments on a world that’s no longer her own.

“Is there always darkness when we close our eyes?” She wakes amid black snow, both overwhelmed and comforted, for there is something strangely familiar about the place that meets her. Afterlife, for her, is time of inner calm and stoicism.

Snow has a way of settling erratic fires that burn within, she thinks; “I am faithful until I am repeatedly betrayed and injured. But no more.” An icy serenade greets in response. Perhaps, this is a dream, one that lasts until we are ready. For now, I am at peace.





Photo credits: Pinterest 

Bjorn hosts at dVerse and asks us to write inspired by a line from Desolation Row
by Bob Dylan. Come join us! 💘

Posted for Prosery Monday: Bob Dylan @dVerse Poets Pub