An umbrella of hues upon fall of society spout;
golds, browns and reds,
enter the seawater at twilight,
both frenetic and soft at the same time,
as though espying
the strongest base possible
for rebuilding— I pace myself as we turn on
the axis of fate once again.

Who drank the sour milk of bigotry the first time
Who threw pebbles in the face of equality?
What once was tightly woven is loose,
has frayed at the edges,
has come apart,
similar to leaves yellowing,
the wind has turned the other cheek,
has become lost in wheat fields—
and now I can’t help but think back to crossroads
in the past,
would we have been better off we did things
Would there be lesser disputes in the streets
outside or are beauty and ugliness
just two sides of the same coin?
Don’t ask me, I wouldn’t know what more to say,
just that something went horribly wrong
a few decades back.

Cities aren’t clean, no, not really, roseate 
caverns and turquoise canals
a mere mirage,
a travesty, a debased, distorted version
of actuality
that hides in the shadows,
while we stand watching with our mouths open,
screaming on the inside,
I am 7 AM wide awake in the apartment,
writing what seems to be
the starting of a chronicle of lives lived,
who created the divide between nations?
who spit venom instead of listening
when it mattered,
who conspired countless deaths of humanity
over the span of centuries,
are just a few questions that plague
my mind from time to time,
I weep at the loss, at the loss, at the loss.

Today, daylight is oddly bright; it’s begging me
run outside and hug the trees,
most of the world
at this time
is grey,
is desolate, is dour and drear,
it’s an omen that if we’d only ever seen
and rain
how could we dream of buttercups—
I know it isn’t going to be easy,
it will probably take forever to mend,
but I cannot sit back while a scarlet pause
exists between cirrus clouds
and city,
cannot hope to do nothing as uncertainty
frolics on sand,
I am much too obstinate to begin with.





Photo credits: Kal Gajoum Painting, Pinterest 

For my prompt tonight at dVerse where I invite others to write inspired
by Allen Ginsberg and the Beat Generation. Come join us! ❤

Posted for Poetics: Allen Ginsberg and the Beat Generation @dVerse Pub