White in the shadows, I see your face
lost amid morose musings that yearn
to slip into the maddening brain.

Loneliness washes over me as waves
yet I dare not whisper nor lower my
gaze. I am tired of echoes and sugar-
coated tales.

Oh how is it that my reflection stared
back at me fiery and full of sedulous
grace, I didn’t know what I was doing
nor what was about to take place.

The night although serene did frown,
as I gestured to trees and swaggering
crows; there’s a shift in the way great
wind blows.

You were mine fresh as a budding rose
with folded arms oh unawakened eyes,
which I sought to devour beneath the
trembling sky.


Photo credits:Β Pinterest

Shay invites us to write a spooky poem, I chose to play along the theme
of a Doppelganger.

Posted for ‘Fireblossom Friday’ @ Real Toads

and on ‘Open Link Night’ @ dVerse Poets Pub