Isn’t it pretty to think so? — The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

that blossoms come as tame as clouds,
with their champagne blush inculcate thoughts otherwise
deep in slumber;
I look for you at the edge of a dream,
echoes of skin on a sultry June evening that has forgotten
its path while pursuing yours—
I am going to need you to memorize every detail there is
to my French vanilla lavender perfume.
That Lowell probably had to hold himself back while naming
their names,
bread, this bread has a crunch to the crust that brings back so
much from the past—go laugh in the places you have cried
before, change the narrative.
Despite their power, fragility laces the horns,
upon the sea-washed sand there lie questions whose answers
never arrived, I wonder what Ares truly thought
of distasteful aspects of brutal warfare; we know not
if the rest of the world sees us the way we do ourselves,
preferably untainted.
Believe me, when I tell you the empty sky is filled with promises
unseen, that sound of cicadas singing in the elm trees
mean nothing
and everything at the same time to lovers meeting after long—
long after the sun has risen with crimson delight,
isn’t it poetry, isn’t it truth, isn’t it possible that it might be so?
I have died a thousand times
lighting the clouds over and over again with my pen.





Photo credits: “Lush Life,” by Loui Jover, Pinterest

Lisa hosts at dVerse and invites us to pick one of Hemingway’s quote to be inspired by and write a poem. Come join us! 💝

Also inspired by the title of Henry Vaughan’s poetic masterpiece,
“Sweet Empty Sky of June Without a Stain.” 🥠

Posted for Poetics – One True Sentence @dVerse Poets Pub