Here I stand
unsure of what lies ahead

the wind
lets me savor the moment, for it comes to me
wild and impetuous

as the desert is punctuated by long
and shadowy silhouettes of rose, tumbleweed and cactus.

The human heart is a temple
where bluish thoughts swirl with monochrome pulse waves
hear its affirmation,
its faith as real as water, as sand and as stars in the sky,
yet I dare not move
I don’t even breathe, I am frozen to the spot
my heartbeat echoes in my ears,
a grave reminder of my own impermanence

my madeira mortality,
because like you
I too am skeptical of its ideas, its jarring philosophy
and belligerent attitude.

Still, the heart is gospel
if the pressures of life are gaining upon you
come, enter
and roam the corridors of the sacred temple.
Believe that a soulful person is not overly influenced
by external factors
and no matter how implacable the norms and values
of culture
builds his own way for personal growth and progression.


Photo credits: The Temple by Tomasz Zaczeniuk

Posted for Art Collaboration @ Real Toads