Poem inspired by the title of Christina Rossetti’s poetic masterpiece, I loved you first: but afterwards your love

Moodily, the crepe crescent appears in the sky
perhaps it seeks validation–
this moment that holds significance as I gaze overhead,
it’s been a while.
I loved you first: but afterwards your love outshone mine,
gifting in return songs of innocence
and experience.

There are days when I picture your face
amid the clouds
knowing well the blossoms shake themselves off the tree
where your scent has touched them.
With the dust of sleep upon my eyes I wake,
gentle tremors reverberate under sheets with subtle anguish;
it defies reason,
greyish-blue reflection of sky with bits of moss press urgently
into my hand
as though urging me to align my breath with yoursβ€”
allow me to touch you, ever so lightly
your lips hold the universe in their frame;
without you,
the world at large is a hieroglyph corridor, incomprehensible.



Photo credits: Pinterest

For my prompt, where I invite others to write inspired
by the works of Rossetti πŸ’ Come join us!

Posted for Weekly Scribblings @ Poets and Storytellers United