Leave me whole
as vibrant, as full of potential as English plums
placed under the darkening sky,
where pain is audibleβ€”
I have witnessed the ushering cries of newborns
and hopes
of estranged lovers a thousand times,
each more harrowing than the last;
why do we hide behind the skin of clouds
subconscious is but quiet fragments that move
with the whisper of rain?

The answers discovered at long last liberate me,
so much
so that I run out of excuses
to run
from my own limbs
and bonesβ€”
do we ever truly escape all that lies in waiting for us?
The wind continues to blow blurry and soft.




Photo credits: Elena Klimenko art, Pinterest

Sarah hosts at dVerse and invites us to write a poem
in response
to something we have read over the last year. πŸ’

I chose Rainer Maria Rilke and his poem β€˜At The Brink Of Night.β€˜ Come join us! πŸ™‚

Posted for Poetics: “A conversation,” @ dVerse Poets Pub